JS Event Handler: async function
You can call an async function from your EventListener. The first problem I see is that you are invoking the callback function right away in the second argument of window.addEventListener by including it as loadEdit() instead of loadEdit or () => loadEdit(). You have to give it a function as second argument, right now you … Read more
Strategies for syncing data with server in PhoneGap [closed]
Let me provide the answer to your question based on my experience related to the sync part as I don’t have enough experience with PhoneGap so will skip the question about PhoneGap local storage v SQLite. I was wondering if you could point me toward some good resources for this type of syncing. Some recommended … Read more
Cordova 11 – Splash Screen – what goes in splashscreen.xml
To generate the XML file used for the splashscreen in my cordova-android 11.0.0 application, I created a sample Android app in Android Studio and, following these instructions for adding an icon to the sample app, I specified the Foreground Layer to be an SVG file of my desired splashscreen icon. I specified the background layer … Read more
Can I Fastclick ReactJS running in Cordova
Edit Facebook decided to not add support for defining custom event types and recommend you to use something like react-tappable so you can write something like <Tappable onTap={}>. Facebook’s working on a solution in the form of TapEventPlugin, but it won’t be made available until they make some decisions. If you’re reading this you’re probably … Read more