CNN – Image Resizing VS Padding (keeping aspect ratio or not?)

According to Jeremy Howard, padding a big piece of the image (64×160 pixels) will have the following effect: The CNN will have to learn that the black part of the image is not relevant and does not help distinguishing between the classes (in a classification setting), as there is no correlation between the pixels in … Read more

2-D convolution as a matrix-matrix multiplication [closed]

Yes, it is possible and you should also use a doubly block circulant matrix (which is a special case of Toeplitz matrix). I will give you an example with a small size of kernel and the input, but it is possible to construct Toeplitz matrix for any kernel. So you have a 2d input x … Read more

Dimension of shape in conv1D

td; lr you need to reshape you data to have a spatial dimension for Conv1d to make sense: X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=2) # reshape (569, 30) to (569, 30, 1) # now input can be set as model.add(Conv1D(2,2,activation=’relu’,input_shape=(30, 1)) Essentially reshaping a dataset that looks like this: features .8, .1, .3 .2, .4, .6 .7, … Read more

What does the parameter retain_graph mean in the Variable’s backward() method?

@cleros is pretty on the point about the use of retain_graph=True. In essence, it will retain any necessary information to calculate a certain variable, so that we can do backward pass on it. An illustrative example Suppose that we have a computation graph shown above. The variable d and e is the output, and a … Read more