Fast and Best Producer/consumer queue technique BlockingCollection vs concurrent Queue [closed]

BlockingCollection and ConcurrentQueue are there for precisely this reason. I doubt that you’ll find anything better, or simpler to use. The parallel extensions team know their stuff 🙂 Just a quick check on versions though – you’re definitely using .NET 4, not just C# 4? (For example, you could be using Visual Studio 2010 and … Read more

How do I implement secure OAuth2 consumption in Javascript?

The Implicit Grant flow (the one you’re referring to as User-Agent Flow) is exactly the way to go: The implicit grant is a simplified authorization code flow optimized for clients implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. To understand the flow, the documentation from Google for client-side applications is a really … Read more

Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed]

Scribe is an OAuth library for Java, written by the asker himself. 😉 Note: I post this here as an answer so that other googlers have a choice of alternatives. For another library-based alternative, see my other answer “Jersey OAuth signature library”. Some code to illustrate usage: OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder() .provider(TwitterApi.class) .apiKey(“your_api_key”) .apiSecret(“your_api_secret”) … Read more

How do I set a number of retry attempts in RabbitMQ?

There are no such feature like retry attempts in RabbitMQ (as well as in AMQP protocol). Possible solution to implement retry attempts limit behavior: Redeliver message if it was not previously redelivered (check redelivered parameter on basic.deliver method – your library should have some interface for this) and drop it and then catch in dead … Read more