Typescript class: “Overload signature is not compatible with function implementation”

You get that compilation error because the signature of the implementation function does not satisfy the empty constructor you declared. As you want to have the default constructor, it should be: class MyItem { public name: string; public surname: string; public category: string; public address: string; constructor(); constructor(name:string, surname: string, category: string, address?: string); constructor(name?: … Read more

How to overload constructors in JavaScript ECMA6? [duplicate]

There is no in-built solution for this in JavaScript. An alternative solution can be using the arguments object (in some cases), or passing your own configuration options, similar to this: const defaults = { numberWheels: 4, color: “black”, name: “myCar” } class Car { constructor(options) { this.wheelsNum = options.numberWheels || defaults.numberWheels; this.name = options.name || … Read more

Why is template constructor preferred to copy constructor?

As far as I know non-template function is always preferred to template function during overload resolution. This is true, only when the specialization and the non template are exactly the same. This is not the case here though. When you call uct u3(u1) The overload sets gets uct(const uct &) uct(uct &) // from the … Read more

Transfer NULL to the constructor

But I can not understand why no object? It’s also a reference type? Yes, both double[] and object are reference types, so null is implicitly convertible to both of them. However, member overloading generally favours more specific types, so the double[] constructor is used. See section 7.5.3 of the C# specification for more details (and … Read more

Constructor overloading in Java – best practice

While there are no “official guidelines” I follow the principle of KISS and DRY. Make the overloaded constructors as simple as possible, and the simplest way is that they only call this(…). That way you only need to check and handle the parameters once and only once. public class Simple { public Simple() { this(null); … Read more