Git conflict “both deleted”

As stated in this answer (suggested as a duplicate) : you can see a “both deleted” when branchA has a git mv oldfile newstandard commit, and branchB has a git mv oldfile newcustom commit. In that case, when trying to merge customBranch into standardBranch, git will report a conflict on three files : both deleted: … Read more

Gradle: how to display where a dependency conflict arises

Answering this question is the whole point of the dependencyInsight task. javax.activation:activation:1.1 is pulled in by com.sun.mail:mailapi:1.4.4 and com.sun.mail:smtp:1.4.4. If your own code also depends on javax.activation, you can force your version with compile(“javax.activation:activation:1.0.2”) { force = true }. If not, you can force a version with configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.force “javax.activation:activation:1.0.2” }.

Why after merge does GIT say “Already up-to-date”, but differences between branches still exist?

Reverting Merges vs. Resetting Merges My guess is that you actually are Already-up-to-date. The problem is that git revert doesn’t undo the merge, it only undoes the changes that the merge brought with it. When you create a merge commit, you’re combining the commit histories of those two branches. Merging develop | A—B—C \ \ … Read more

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