Java: reference escape

The example you have posted in your question comes from “Java Concurrency In Practice” by Brian Goetz et al. It is in section 3.2 “Publication and escape”. I won’t attempt to reproduce the details of that section here. (Go buy a copy for your bookshelf, or borrow a copy from your co-workers!) The problem illustrated … Read more

How to have 2 JVMs talk to one another

Multiple options for IPC: Socket-Based (Bare-Bones) Networking not necessarily hard, but: might be verbose for not much, might offer more surface for bugs, as you write more code. you could rely on existing frameworks, like Netty RMI Technically, that’s also network communication, but that’s transparent for you. Fully-fledged Message Passing Architectures usually built on either … Read more

Java 8: Parallel FOR loop

Read up on streams, they’re all the new rage. Pay especially close attention to the bit about parallelism: “Processing elements with an explicit for-loop is inherently serial. Streams facilitate parallel execution by reframing the computation as a pipeline of aggregate operations, rather than as imperative operations on each individual element. All streams operations can execute … Read more