React npm start not working : ‘No version of chokidar available’

I had the same issue. What worked for me is forcing updates on local npm packages: npm update –force Before $ npm list chokidar pwa-react-showcase@0.1.0 └─┬ react-scripts@4.0.3 └─┬ webpack-dev-server@3.11.1 └── chokidar@2.1.8 After $ npm list chokidar pwa-react-showcase@0.1.0 └─┬ react-scripts@4.0.3 ├─┬ webpack-dev-server@3.11.1 │ └── chokidar@2.1.8 └─┬ webpack@4.44.2 └─┬ watchpack@1.7.5 ├── chokidar@3.5.1 └─┬ watchpack-chokidar2@2.0.1 └── chokidar@2.1.8 Update … Read more