cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

I just had a similar problem with Error#77 on CentOS7. I was missing the softlink /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt that is installed with the ca-certificates RPM. ‘curl’ was attempting to open this path to get the Certificate Authorities. I discovered with: strace curl and saw clearly that the open failed on that link. My fix was: yum … Read more

WARNING: The script pip3.8 is installed in ‘/usr/local/bin’ which is not on PATH

This question has been answered on the serverfaults forum: Here is a link to the question. You need to add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file. export PATH=”/usr/local/bin:$PATH” You will then need to profile, do this by either running the command: source ~/.bash_profile Or by simply closing your terminal and opening a … Read more

NSS: client certificate not found (nickname not specified)?

Try prefixing the certificate filename with “./”, or using the full path. From the curl manpage: If curl is built against the NSS SSL library then this option [–cert] can tell curl the nickname of the certificate to use within the NSS database defined by the environment variable SSL_DIR (or by default /etc/pki/nssdb). If the … Read more

How to reduce the size of RHEL/Centos/Fedora Docker image

Yes Docker image sizes can be dramatically reduced by doing a “yum clean all” Initial RHEL Image Size = 196M Dockerfile – RHEL Image(+bc) = 505M # Build command # docker build -t rhel7base:latest –build-arg REG_USER='<redhat_developer_user>’ –build-arg REG_PSWD='<password>’ –squash . FROM LABEL maintainer=”tim” ARG REG_USER=none ARG REG_PSWD=none RUN subscription-manager register –username $REG_USER –password $REG_PSWD … Read more

How to reboot CentOS 7 with Ansible?

You’re likely not doing anything truly wrong, it’s just that /sbin/reboot is shutting down the server so quickly that the server is tearing down the SSH connection used by Ansible before Ansible itself can close it. As a result Ansible is reporting an error because it sees the SSH connection failing for an unexpected reason. … Read more

I got warning setlocale LC_CTYPE when I ssh connect to vagrant centos 6

For CentOS or Amazon AMI Linux, add these lines to /etc/environment (create it, if it doesn’t exist): LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 To edit this file via SSH console, try sudo nano /etc/environment Edit For Debian-related distributions (Ubuntu, etc.), you should check that /etc/default/locale is empty. That’s the outcome of choosing None in dpkg-reconfigure locales which is suggested … Read more