Why doesn’t Gradle include transitive dependencies in compile / runtime classpath?

I know that this specific version of the question has already been solved, but my searching brought me here and I hope I can save some people the hassle of figuring this out. Bad foo/build.gradle dependencies { implementation ‘com.example:widget:1.0.0’ } Good foo/build.gradle dependencies { api ‘com.example:widget:1.0.0’ } bar/build.gradle dependencies { implementation project(path: ‘:foo’) } implementation … Read more

npm git repository not updating versions

Ok this is how it is done. I was also confused. So i have a private npm module at [email protected]:myModule/MySweetModule.git I have just published the latest tagged version. Unfortunately i cannot figure out how that works, BUT it works off your master. SOOO your master branch can be your integration branch and you have stage … Read more

cmake : Set environment variables from a script

Reading through the cmake quick start, you can specify variable on a command line: cmake -DVARIABLE1=value1 -DVARIABLE2=value2 … Otherwise, set command in the cmake script is probably what you want, see the reference manual. To set the environment variable PATH, do: set(ENV{PATH} “/home/martink”) To set normal variable, do: set(variable “value”) Not sure which ones you … Read more

How do I convert an Autotools project to a CMake project? [closed]

There is no automated tool that will convert an arbitrary build system from autotools to cmake. I have converted a few moderately large projects manually. I like to create one CMakeLists.txt file for each set of configure.ac and/or Makefile.am file, to ease the conversion from autotools to cmake. Sadly, this manual approach requires developing an … Read more

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not being used in CMakeLists.txt

There are two types of generators: single-configurations and multi-configurations. Single configurations Make-like generators: Unix Makefiles, NMake Makefiles, MinGW Makefiles, … You set the configuration type in the generate step: cmake -H. -B_builds/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug “-GUnix Makefiles” In this case, the build step is always Debug: > cmake –build _builds/Debug /usr/bin/c++ -g … > cmake –build _builds/Debug … Read more

When to use gradle.properties vs. settings.gradle?

settings.gradle The settings.gradle file is a Groovy script, just like the build.gradle file. Only one settings.gradle script will be executed in each build (in comparison to multiple build.gradle scripts in multi-project builds). The settings.gradle script will be executed before any build.gradle script and even before the Project instances are created. Therefore, it is evaluated against … Read more