java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.JndiDataSourceAutoConfiguration

This is caused by non-matching Spring Boot dependencies. Check your classpath to find the offending resources. You have explicitly included version 1.1.8.RELEASE, but you have also included 3 other projects. Those likely contain different Spring Boot versions, leading to this error.

Splitting all output directories in Gradle

Gradle 4.0 introduces multiple sourceSets per JVM language in order to enable remote build caching. With the java plugin your build/classes/main should become build/classes/java/main and build/classes/test should become build/classes/java/test, etc. The warning you’re seeing is defined in Therefore, if any plugin within your project or your build.gradle calls DefaultSourceSetOutput.getClassesDir() (or access classesDir) you get … Read more

Maven profiles equivalent of Gradle

ext { devDependencies = [‘’, ‘’] prodDependencies = [‘’, ‘’] isProd =[‘env’] == ‘prod’ isDev =[‘env’] == ‘dev’ } apply plugin: ‘java’ dependencies { compile ‘’ if (isProd) { compile prodDependencies } if (isDev) { compile devDependencies } } if (isDev) tasks.withType(War).all { it.enabled = false }