How can I read http errors when responseType is blob in Axios with VueJs? [duplicate]

The reason is that the response type is blob. In case of error, the status code is available directly in your exception object. However, the response is a promise. What you need to do is: .catch((error) => { let statusCode = error.response.status let responseObj = await; : : For more details you can read … Read more

Overcomplicated oracle jdbc BLOB handling

The update approach you mention in the first case can be rewritten using pure JDBC code and thus reduce your dependency on Oracle-specific classes. This could be helpful if your app needs to be database agnostic. public static void updateBlobColumn(Connection con, String table, String blobColumn, byte[] inputBytes, String idColumn, Long id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement … Read more

Varbinary vs Blob in MySQL

VARBINARY is bound to 255 bytes on MySQL 5.0.2 and below, to 65kB on 5.0.3 and above. BLOB is bound to 65kB. Ultimately, VARBINARY is virtually the same as BLOB (from the perspective of what can be stored in it), unless you want to preserve compatibility with “old” versions of MySQL. The MySQL Documentation says: … Read more

Spring, Hibernate, Blob lazy loading

I’m confused. Emmanuel Bernard wrote in ANN-418 that @Lob are lazy by default (i.e. you don’t even need to use the @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) annotation). Some users report that lazy loading of a @Lob doesn’t work with all drivers/database. Some users report that it works when using bytecode instrumentation (javassit? cglib?). But I can’t find … Read more

Blob constructor browser compatibility

So, these are actually two different problems. The Desktop Chrome warning was a bug in chrome which is fixed since 2013-03-21. Mobile Chrome is giving you a TypeError because the blob constructor is not supported. Instead you must use the old BlobBuilder API. The BlobBuilder API has browser specific BlobBuilder constructors. This is the case … Read more