Require authorization on ALL Blazor pages

I believe that will work… Place the following code snippet in the _Imports.razor file @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization @attribute [Authorize] In that case, when the Index page is hit, the user will be redirected to the Login page. If you want to perform authentication before the Blazor App is being render, add the code snippet from above … Read more

What’s the difference between RenderMode.Server and RenderMode.ServerPrerendered in blazor?

Explained at ASP.NET Core and Blazor updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9: Static Statically render the component with the specified parameters. Server Render a marker where the component should be rendered interactively by the Blazor Server app. ServerPrerendered Statically prerender the component along with a marker to indicate the component should later be rendered … Read more core blazor vs .net core mvc with razor

0 Video with visual explanation I decided to make a video, since several questions about Blazor were asked (also on other forums) and this format seems much better for me to visualize the differences – instead of reding my (longer) explanation. The video contains a bit improved version, compared to my first post (the text … Read more

Failed to find a valid digest in the ‘integrity’ attribute for resource in Blazor app

This is an annoying issue indeed and I’m getting that error every now and then. It seems to happen after updating some packages, and the build processes fails to pick up the new SHA for the package. You can verify that this is the issue by finding the file containing the SHAs and compare the … Read more