Blender fbx import from ascii format

For some reason Blender import doesn’t support FBX models that are serialized to text. As a workaround the model can be changed to binary FBX model and imported to Blender. At least I am able to use Autodesk FBX 2013.3 Converter even I don’t have any other Autodesk software installed. Other option that might work … Read more

Credit Card validation: can Card Name contain non-ASCII characters?

The character set that is used does not allow for diacritics. In brief, it only allows uppercase ASCII characters. The restriction ultimately comes from the historical way in which banking cards encode data onto the magnetic stripe (as defined in ISO 7811). The data is encoded in a 7 bits per character format known as … Read more

Unicode stored in C char

There is no magic here – The C language gives you acess to the raw bytes, as they are stored in the computer memory. If your terminal is using utf-8 (which is likely), non-ASCII chars take more than one byte in memory. When you display then again, is our terminal code which converts these sequences … Read more
