Failed to correctly acquire intaller_nodejs_windows.msi file: CRC error

I wasn’t able to locate installer_nodejs_windows.msi on my PC, so I downloaded it separately from here: After installing Node JS for Windows, I was able to successfully install Aptana. Note: Above link no longer seems to be working. Looks like you can download Node JS separately from here:

Aptana Plugin for Eclipse and jQuery code assist

Turn on JavaScript Code Assist Feature When you install additional AJAX library support the Code Assist for that library isn’t turned on by default. To turn on the Code Assist feature after you install additional AJAX Libraries: Preferences > Aptana > Editors > JavaScript > Code Assist > Check jQuery Switch to the Aptana Perspective … Read more

Aptana Studio vs. Eclipse [closed]

Aptana is built on Eclipse. Eclipse is a general-purpose/Java-focused editor, whilst Aptana offers additional features which are targeted specifically at web development. There are also other Eclipse plugins that also focus on web development, including the Web Tools Project from the Eclipse team. Some people like Aptana, finding it a convenient mix of relevant tools. … Read more

Is there a NodeJS plugin for Aptana Studio?

We have no NodeJS support currently. If this is something the community is interested in, it’d be helpful to file a feature request and vote it up:!default.jspa Since we are built on eclipse, you should be able to try out the instructions for NodeJS debugging on Eclipse, found here: As for special NodeJs … Read more

Aptana : java was started by returned exit code=13

Must you have 32-bit version of java, or may be you have both version [32-bit 64-bit] of java on same computer. Make sure you have 32-bit version then must you specify the version that using in Aptana studio to do this : 1-Go to apatana folder and find the AptanaStudio3.ini file “C:\Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio” 2- Add … Read more