execute shell command from android

You should grab the standard input of the su process just launched and write down the command there, otherwise you are running the commands with the current UID. Try something like this: try{ Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“su”); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream()); outputStream.writeBytes(“screenrecord –time-limit 10 /sdcard/MyVideo.mp4\n”); outputStream.flush(); outputStream.writeBytes(“exit\n”); outputStream.flush(); su.waitFor(); }catch(IOException e){ throw new Exception(e); … Read more

How does evaluateJavascript work?

There is an example of the evaluateJavascript method being used in this sample: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-webview-samples/tree/master/jsinterface-example Essentially if the javascript you execute in the WebView returns a value it’ll be passed in the callback. The main thing to note is that the String returned in OnReceiveValue is either a JSON Value, JSON Object or JSON Array depending … Read more

Bluetooth hands free client volume control

Could you please try below. I did not try myself but sounds similar problem if I understand correctly: Android Bluetooth Earpiece Volume “Android is using int 6 for bluetooth volume and not documented. Just use 6 instead of AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL and try, It should work“ I assume for you will be to replace AudioManager.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO with 6. … Read more

Get real path from URI, Android KitKat new storage access framework [duplicate]

This will get the file path from the MediaProvider, DownloadsProvider, and ExternalStorageProvider, while falling back to the unofficial ContentProvider method you mention. /** * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and * other … Read more

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