Detect if an alert or confirm is displayed on a page

If you wanted to run some code when an alert() fires, you could try something like this: I’ve only tested in Chrome, so I’m not sure about browser support. Example: (function() { var _old_alert = window.alert; window.alert = function() { // run some code when the alert pops up document.body.innerHTML += “<br>alerting”; _old_alert.apply(window,arguments); // … Read more

SQL Server Agent Job Notify multiple operators on failure

Question: Is it possible to setup a notification email being sent to multiple operators for that specific job? I don’t believe this is possible. Certainly looking at the structure of [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] the various operator_id columns are in this table itself which would support the idea that 1 to many is not possible. But some alternatives … Read more

JavaScript alert box with confirm on button press

You can easily do it with a confirm onclick: <p id=”accept-favor”><a title=”Accept this Favor” href=”<?php comment_ID(); ?>” onclick=”return confirm(‘Are you sure you would like to accept this reply as your favor?’);” >Accept this Favor</a></p> Though this will say OK/Cancel instead of Yes/No. If you really want Yes/No, you’ll have to use a custom dialog.
