Iterating through objects in JsonCpp

You have some errors related to seemingly not having a great handle on recursion or the key->value nature of JSON and how that relates to the library you’re using. I haven’t tested this code at all, but it should work better.

void CDriverConfigurator::PrintJSONValue( const Json::Value &val )
    if( val.isString() ) {
        printf( "string(%s)", val.asString().c_str() ); 
    } else if( val.isBool() ) {
        printf( "bool(%d)", val.asBool() ); 
    } else if( val.isInt() ) {
        printf( "int(%d)", val.asInt() ); 
    } else if( val.isUInt() ) {
        printf( "uint(%u)", val.asUInt() ); 
    } else if( val.isDouble() ) {
        printf( "double(%f)", val.asDouble() ); 
        printf( "unknown type=[%d]", val.type() ); 

bool CDriverConfigurator::PrintJSONTree( const Json::Value &root, unsigned short depth /* = 0 */) 
    depth += 1;
    printf( " {type=[%d], size=%d}", root.type(), root.size() ); 

    if( root.size() > 0 ) {
        for( Json::Value::const_iterator itr = root.begin() ; itr != root.end() ; itr++ ) {
            // Print depth. 
            for( int tab = 0 ; tab < depth; tab++) {
            printf(" subvalue(");
            printf(") -");
            PrintJSONTree( *itr, depth); 
        return true;
    } else {
        printf(" ");
        printf( "\n" ); 
    return true;

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