How do you loop through a std::map?

You can achieve this like following :

map<string, int>::iterator it;

for (it = symbolTable.begin(); it != symbolTable.end(); it++)
    std::cout << it->first    // string (key)
              << ':'
              << it->second   // string's value 
              << std::endl;

With C++11 ( and onwards ),

for (auto const& x : symbolTable)
    std::cout << x.first  // string (key)
              << ':' 
              << x.second // string's value 
              << std::endl;

With C++17 ( and onwards ),

for (auto const& [key, val] : symbolTable)
    std::cout << key        // string (key)
              << ':'  
              << val        // string's value
              << std::endl;

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