How can i access a control in mvvm model in viewmodel?

Use Supervising Controller pattern.


Example implementation for CaliburnMicro MVVM framework is shown here (will work same for all other frameworks – or you can do it by hand if you are doing MVVM by yourself):


1) Define interface IView in which ViewModel (VM) will talk to View with the required method(s)

public interface IView 
    void AddTextBoxToGrid();

2) Inherit code behind View from your IView and implement IView.AddTextboxToGrid() method

public partial class View: IView 
    public void AddTextBoxToGrid() 
        // implement here your custom view logic using standard code behind; 

3) Add a property of type IView to your VM

public class ViewModel 
    public IView View { get; set; }

4) Set View property on VM to an instance of View as IView
e.g. in code behind:

 DataContext.View = this as IView; 

or in Caliburn you can use IScreen.OnViewAttached override method)

public partial class View: IView 
    public View()
        // access you VM by the strategy of your framework or choice - this example is when you store your VM in View's DataContext
        (DataContext as ViewModel).View = this as IView;

    public void AddTextBoxToGrid() 
        // implement here your custom view logic using standard code behind; 

5) In your VM call IView.AddTextboxToGrid()

public class ViewModel 
    public IView View { get; set; }

    public void AddTextBoxToGrid() 
        if (View == null) return;

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