Where are Postman collections saved?

It looks like Postman uses LevelDB. On Windows, I found my Postman DB located at: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Postman\IndexedDB\ ps: %HOMEPATH% is path for C:\Users\xxxx\ also worth mentioning: %APPDATA% is a shortcut for C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\ According to Piere F, macOS users can find it under: ~/Library/Application Support/Postman/IndexedDB ps: Note ~ is path for /Users/userAccount/ According to David, Ubuntu users … Read more

Websocket connections with Postman

Update: May 20, 2021, As of version 8.5.0 – Postman supported WebSocket APIs Obsolete (original) answer: This is not possible as of May 2017. There is a request for this if you want to upvote: github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/4009