What is the purpose of the Microsoft Loopback Adapter?

When sending messages to (or the localhost) the internal network driver typically handles this by shortcutting a few steps. If you have a networksniffer/protocol analyzer like wireshark, it can not see these shortcutted packets. By using a loopback adapter, the messages get send much further through the stack, enabling programs like wireshark to capture … Read more

Is Google adsense available for localhost?

Yes it is possible (as of 2015). There is a special parameter, to use Adsense on Localhost without risks. Today the AdSense code is different. If you want to add the adtest-parameter use data-adtest=”on” within an ins block. Here is an example code: <script async src=”https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js”></script> <!– XYZ 336 x 280 –> <ins class=”adsbygoogle” style=”display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px” … Read more

Alias hostname for localhost

When the browser sees http://localwebapp/ it first tries to determine the IP address of localwebapp. If this succeeds, the browser establishes a TCP connection with that host, using a specific port (which is 80 for HTTP, unless some other port is mentioned in the URL). Resolving localwebapp to an IP address does not take port … Read more

What’s the whole point of “localhost”, hosts and ports at all?

In computer networking, localhost (meaning “this computer”) is the standard hostname given to the address of the loopback network interface. Localhost always translates to the loopback IP address in IPv4. It is also used instead of the hostname of a computer. For example, directing a web browser installed on a system running an HTTP … Read more

What is IPV6 for localhost and

As we all know that IPv4 address for localhost is (loopback address). Actually, any IPv4 address in is a loopback address. In IPv6, the direct analog of the loopback range is ::1/128. So ::1 (long form 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1) is the one and only IPv6 loopback address. While the hostname localhost will normally resolve to … Read more

How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

To get Fiddler to capture traffic when you are debugging on local host, after you hit F5 to begin degugging change the address so that localhost has a “.” after it. For instance, you start debugging and the you have the following URL in the Address bar: http://localhost:49573/Default.aspx Change it to: http://localhost.:49573/Default.aspx Hit enter and … Read more

How do I connect to this localhost from another computer on the same network?

That’s definitely possible. We’ll take a general case with Apache here. Let’s say you’re a big Symfony2 fan and you would like to access your symfony website at http://symfony.local/ from 4 different computers (the main one hosting your website, as well as a Mac, a Windows and a Linux distro connected (wireless or not) to … Read more