getting YN0028 The lockfile would have been modified by this install, which is explicitly forbidden. using yarn berry and heroku

I was able to workaround by setting the env-var YARN_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_INSTALLS to false, as suggested here. This is likely a bug in Yarn Berry. I’ve reported it here: UPD: I have created a fresh local clone of the repo from GitHub, ran yarn install in it, and it did produce changes in yarn.lock. Committing those … Read more

Heroku Local [WARN] No ENV file found

Add an .env file. This files contains the local VARS that are different in your local setting from the heroku environment. However, if everything runs fine, you can just ignore the warning, or do touch .env. You can also differentiate by creating a Procfile.local file and run heroku local -f Procfile.local, to force using a … Read more

Upload to heroku without git

You can use a plugin heroku push that is built by one of the Heroku engineers. You can find it at But there isn’t a FTP style upload available if that’s what you’re looking for. Also, just because Heroku uses Git doesn’t mean you have to have a Github account (since you mention having … Read more

Static IP Address with Heroku (not Proximo) [closed]

You can use QuotaGuard Static Heroku add-on. QuotaGuard can be attached to a Heroku application via the command line: $ heroku addons:add quotaguardstatic After installing, the application should be configured to fully integrate with the add-on. When you sign up you will be provided with a unique username and password that you can use when … Read more

Can a Procfile have comments?

Yes, you can put comments in a Procfile. I know of two programs which parse Procfiles, foreman and forego. In foreman, which originated the Procfile format, a Procfile can contain comments, blank lines, and in fact any line that doesn’t look like a meaningful Procfile line. From the class that parses a Procfile: # A … Read more

How to see all the logs

Update (thanks to dawmail333): heroku logs -n 1500 or, to tail the logs live heroku logs -t Heroku log documentation If you need more than a few thousand lines you can Use heroku’s Syslog Drains Alternatively (old method): $ heroku run rails c‘log/production.log’, ‘r’).each_line { |line| puts line }
