How to find out which feature contains a needed plug-in on an Eclipse download site

If you fire up the p2 console, you can use the p2 query language to find all features that depend on a bundle. My example is in Eclipse Juno (4.2): switch to the OSGi console in the console view ss p2.console # to find the console bundle number felix:start -t consoleBundleNumber Now you can issue … Read more

Why eclipse is generating argument names as arg0,arg1,arg2…. for methods?

Eclipse can’t work out the arguments because it can’t find the source or javadoc attachments. Make sure your source is attached. To check, click on the method call readXXX and press F3 which should open the method declaration. If the source is not attached, Eclipse will say “Source not found” and will allow you to … Read more

disable eclipse auto completion

Well I found how to stop the tags auto-closing. For some reason it’s under the Web | HTML Files preferences (even for a PHP file). I realise PHP is embedded in HTML but it seems odd the way the Editor options cross over like this. You need to restart Eclipse for this change to work.

Eclipse giving me Invalid arguments ‘ Candidates are: void * memset(void *, int, ?) ‘ though I know the args are good

In Eclipse: right click the project click properties Expand “C/C++ general“ the item in the left hand tree view by clicking the arrow, (just clicking the item itself does not expand the suboptions) From the suboptions select “Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc.“ Click the “Providers“ tab Check the box next to “CDT GCC Built-in Compiler … Read more
