How do I print the full value of a string variable in delve?

The ability to configure the length of printed strings was recently added to delve. To see the full list of configuration options, run config -list; (dlv) config -list aliases map[] substitute-path [] max-string-len <not defined> max-array-values <not defined> show-location-expr false The one we’re interested in here is called max-string-len, which you can see is currently … Read more

Delete NoUIEntryPoints-DesignMode packages

You can use the following PowerShell command: Get-AppxPackage -Publisher “CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US” | ? {$_.IsDevelopmentMode -eq “True”} | Remove-AppxPackage This does 3 steps: Gets all installed AppX packages published by Microsoft. Filters them by those marked as DevelopmentMode. Removes the results. I just wasted a bunch of time trying to figure … Read more

“Function evaluation disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out.” – in vs2012

Why this is happening ? It seems this kind of bug can happen simply when you are trying to watch at some variables who have to be thread safe but sometimes this framework implementation is not perfect…. To avoid this problem : when stepping through code where variables are bound to windows or other controls, … Read more

nginx. Test which location used to process request

If you just want to see which block was used, and don’t care about returning otherwise valid results, it might be more straight-forward to use return rather than add_header. location / { return 200 ‘location 1’; } location ~ /(\w+\-)\.html { return 200 ‘location 2’; } location @named { return 200 ‘location named’; }

Debugging SSIS Script task – Breakpoint is enabled but it does not hit

After more research and trial-error, found that the SSIS package ignores the breakpoints in a Script Task when debugging on a 64-bit machine. To fix it – Go to the Solution Explorer Right click your SSIS project node > Properties In Configuration Properties > Debugging > Debug Options > Set Run64BitRunTime to False. After making … Read more