Way to debug CORS errors

Which version of Chrome are you using? The latest versions have become much better at reporting CORS issues. For example, I am using Chrome version “32.0.1700.14 beta”, and when I visit this page, I get the following error in my console: Request header field X-Foo is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. This information is only available … Read more

Debugging Tomcat in Docker container

This is the command I use for this: docker run -it –rm \ -e JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 \ -e JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket \ -p 8888:8080 \ -p 9000:8000 \ -v D:/tc/conf/tomcat-users.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml \ tomcat:8.0 \ /usr/local/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh jpda run Explanation -e JPDA_ADDRESS=8000debugging port in container, passed as environment variable -e JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_sockettransport type for debugging as socket, passed as environment variable -p … Read more

Accessing console and devtools of extension’s `background` script

You’re looking at the wrong place. These console messages do not appear in the web page, but in the invisible background page (ManifestV2) or service worker (ManifestV3). To view the correct console open devtools for the background script’s context: Visit chrome://extensions/ or right-click the extension icon and select “Manage extensions”. Enable developer mode Click on … Read more

How to debug Typescript in Visual Studio 2015 asp.net 5?

Debugging TypeScript with Visual Studio works with the right settings. First you make sure that you create source maps when compiling TypeScript to JavaScript. So you should have an xxx.js.map file near every xxx.js. Getting source maps by running the TypeScript compiler outside of Visual Studio does not cause any difficulty, at the tsc command … Read more

Debugging jasmine-node tests with node-inspector

In short, just debug jasmine-node: node –debug-brk node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/cli.js spec/my_spec.js If you look at the source of the jasmine-node script, it just invokes cli.js, and I found I could debug that script just fine. I wanted to use node-inspector to debug a CoffeeScript test. Just adding the –coffee switch worked nicely, e.g. node –debug-brk node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/cli.js –coffee … Read more