It is 2020 now and I would favor type
in almost all cases with React
props (general type vs interface post is here). Common cases that can be only expressed with type aliases:
// given some props from another comp that are to be altered
type ExternalProps = { a: string; b: { c: number } };
type Props_IndexType = ExternalProps["b"]; // { c: number; }
type Props_MappedType = { [K in keyof ExternalProps]: number }; // { a: number; b: number; }
type Props_DiscriminatedUnionType = { tag: "tag1"; foo: string } | { tag: "tag2"; foo: boolean}
type Props_typeOf = { foo: string } & typeof defaultProps; // see class comp example
// conditional types - ok, this one is a bit contrived, but you get the point
type Props_ConditionalType<T> = T extends true ? { a: string } : { b: number };
const Comp = <T extends {}>(props: Props_ConditionalType<T>) =>
<div>{"a" in props && (props as any).a}</div>
render(<Comp<true> a="foo" />, document.getElementById("root"));
Class component example for illustration (OP mentions them, but above cases also apply for Hooks):
// cannot do that with interfaces
type Props = ({ tag: "tag1"; foo: string } | { tag: "tag2"; foo: boolean }) &
typeof defaultProps;
type State = typeof initState;
const defaultProps = { a: "A" };
const initState = { c: "C" };
class App extends React.Component<Props, State> {
static readonly defaultProps = defaultProps;
state = initState;
render() { ... }
render(<App tag="tag1" foo="foo" />, document.getElementById("root"));
The only cases, I would consider interfaces:
- You do declaration merging of prop types in the global scope (uncommon nowadays)
- You want to hide type implementation details, as interfaces create a new name used in error messaged, IDE type infos etc. (docs)