Why is there no overload of Interlocked.Add that accepts Doubles as parameters?

Others have addressed the “why?”. It is easy however to roll your own Add(ref double, double), using the CompareExchange primitive:

public static double Add(ref double location1, double value)
    double newCurrentValue = location1; // non-volatile read, so may be stale
    while (true)
        double currentValue = newCurrentValue;
        double newValue = currentValue + value;
        newCurrentValue = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref location1, newValue, currentValue);
        if (newCurrentValue.Equals(currentValue)) // see "Update" below
            return newValue;

CompareExchange sets the value of location1 to be newValue, if the current value equals currentValue. As it does so in an atomic, thread-safe way, we can rely on it alone without resorting to locks.

Why the while (true) loop? Loops like this are standard when implementing optimistically concurrent algorithms. CompareExchange will not change location1 if the current value is different from currentValue. I initialized currentValue to location1 – doing a non-volatile read (which might be stale, but that does not change the correctness, as CompareExchange will check the value). If the current value (still) is what we had read from location1, CompareExchange will change the value to newValue. If not, we have to retry CompareExchange with the new current value, as returned by CompareExchange.

If the value is changed by another thread until the time of our next CompareExchange again, it will fail again, necessitating another retry – and this can in theory go on forever, hence the loop. Unless you are constantly changing the value from multiple threads, CompareExchange will most likely be called only once, if the current value is still what the non-volatile read of location1 yielded, or twice, if it was different.

Update 2022/8/17

As Dr. Strangelove and Theodor Zoulias pointed out in the comments, when location1 == Double.NaN, Add() would turn into an infinite loop.

So I had to change

if (newCurrentValue == currentValue)


if (newCurrentValue.Equals(currentValue))

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