Why does C# require parentheses when using nullables in an expression?

Could anyone explain to me why the parenthesis are needed?

Because Identity() returns a Foo (not a Foo?) and thus has no Value property. If foo is null, the null will propagate through the Identity call.

When you put parentheses around it, the results of the expression is a Nullable<Foo> which does have a Value property.

Also note that if foo is null, then you will be calling Value on a Nullable<Foo> that has no value, and will get an exception at run-time. Some static analyzers will recognize that you have a possible null-reference exception waiting to happen and warn you.

If you expand them to their equivalents without null-propagation it will be more clear:

Foo foo1;
if(foo != null)
    foo1 = foo.Identity().Value;  // not possible - Foo has no Value property.
    foo1 = null;  // also not possible 

Foo foo2;
Foo? temp;
if(foo != null)
    temp = foo.Identity();
   temp = null;  // actually a Nullable<Foo> with no value
foo2 = temp.Value;  // legal, but will throw an exception at run-time if foo is null

If Identity() returns Foo, why does Foo foo3 = foo?.Identity(); not compile ?

The equivalent of that would be:

Foo foo3
if(foo != null)
    foo3 = foo.Identity();
    foo3 = null;  // not possible 

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