What is the Best Practice for manipulating and storing dates in Java? [duplicate]

The best practice is usually precisely NOT to think in term of heavy date objects but to store a point in time. This is typically done by storing a value that doesn’t suffer from corner cases nor from potential parsing problems. To do this, people usually store the number of milliseconds (or seconds) elapsed since a fixed point that we call the epoch (1970-01-01). This is very common and any Java API will always allow you to convert any kind of date to/from the time expressed in ms since the epoch.

That’s for storage. You can also store, for example, the user’s preferred timezone, if there’s such a need.

Now such a date in milliseconds, like:

System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() );

ain’t very useful when it’s displayed to the end user, that’s for granted.

Which is why you use, for example, the example Joda time to convert it to some user-friendly format before displaying it to the end-user.

You asked for best practice, here’s my take on it: storing “date” objects in a DB instead of the time in milliseconds is right there with using floating point numbers to represent monetary amounts.

It’s usually a huge code smell.

So Joda time in Java is the way to manipulate date, yes. But is Joda the way to go to store dates? CERTAINLY NOT.

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