What is a buffer overflow and how do I cause one?

Classical example of a buffer-overflow:

// noone will ever have the time to type more than 64 characters...
char buf[64];
gets(buf); // let user put his name

The buffer overflow alone does most often not happen purposely. It happens most often because of a so-called “off-by-one” error. Meaning you have mis-calculated the array-size by one – maybe because you forgot to account for a terminating null character, or because some other stuff.

But it can also be used for some evil stuff. Indeed, the user long knew this hole, and then inserts say 70 characters, with the last ones containing some special bytes which overwrite some stack-slot – if the user is really tricky he/she will hit the return-address slot in the stack, and overwrites it so it jumps forward into that just inserted buffer: Because what the user entered was not his name, but his shell-code that he previously compiled and dumped out. That one will then just executed. There are some problems. For example, you have to arrange not to have a “\n” in that binary code (because gets would stop reading there). For other ways that mess with dangerous string functions, the binary zero is problematic because string functions stop copying there to the buffer. People have used xor with two times the same value to produce a zero too, without writing a zero byte explicitly.

That’s the classic way of doing it. But there are some security blocks that can tell that such things happened and other stuff that make the stack non-executable. But i guess there are way better tricks than i just explained. Some assembler guy could probably now tell you long stories about that 🙂

How to avoid it

Always use functions that take a maximal-length argument too, if you are not 100% sure that a buffer is really large enough. Don’t play such games as “oh, the number will not exceed 5 characters” – it will fail some day. Remember that one rocket where scientists said that the number will not exceed some magnitude, because the rocket would never be that fast. But some day, it was actually faster, and what resulted was an integer overflow and the rocket crashed (it’s about a bug in Ariane 5, one of the most expensive Computer bugs in history).

For example, instead of gets use fgets. And instead of sprintf use snprintf where suitable and available (or just the C++ style things like istream and stuff)

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