Other replies have pointed out that self
is not going to refer to the FORM
and that self
is window
. They’re right; self
is window
. Well, except when it isn’t. In either IE6 or IE7 (forgot), self.onload
would not fire, though window.onload
All official versions of IE (and even IE9pr3) have an odd, intransitive implementation of ==
with these host objects. Using ==
to compare either window
or self
to a node in the document, the result is true
IE Oddities
alert(self == document.body); // true alert(document.body == self); // false alert(window == self); // true alert(window === self); //false var b = document.createElement("b"); alert(window == b); // false alert(window == document.body.appendChild(b)); // true alert(window == document.body.removeChild(b)); // false