wget can’t download – 404 error

You need to add the referer field in the headers of the HTTP request. With wget, you just need the –header arg :

wget http://www.icerts.com/images/logo.jpg --header "Referer: www.icerts.com"

And the result :

--2011-10-02 02:00:18--  http://www.icerts.com/images/logo.jpg
Résolution de www.icerts.com (www.icerts.com)...
Connexion vers www.icerts.com (www.icerts.com)||:80...connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...200 OK
Longueur: 6102 (6,0K) [image/jpeg]
Sauvegarde en : «logo.jpg»

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