Vim, Python, and Django autocompletion (pysmell?)

First off, thank you for asking this question, as it forced me to figure this out myself and it’s great!

Here is the page I used as a reference: PySmell v0.6 released :

  1. Install PySmell using the install command.
  2. Generate the PYSMELLTAGS file for django by going to your site-packages/django directory and running: pysmell . -o ~/PYSMELLTAGS.django
  3. Copy that file to your project directory, and then ran pysmell . to generate the project PYSMELLTAGS file
  4. Make sure pysmell is in your PYTHONPATH (export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/pysmell/)
  5. Run vim (vim .)
  6. Source pysmell.vim (:source /path/to/pysmell/pysmell.vim)
  7. Set the autocomplete command (:set omnifunc=pysmell#Complete)
  8. Type ^x^o to autocomplete and it should work

I realize this is not a sustainable solution, but you should be able to use this as a start to getting it setup to always work (e.g., add the export to your .bashrc, add the :source to your .vimrc, setup autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pysmell#Complete, etc.)

Let me know if this is enough to get you started. It worked for me!

I simply added this to my .vimrc and as long as the PYSMELLTAGS & PYSMELLTAGS.django files are in my project root, it works fine without any other work:

python << EOF
import os
import sys
import vim
exe ":source ~/src/pysmell/pysmell.vim"
autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pysmell#Complete

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