Using React Hooks To Update w/ Scroll

You’re missing the dependencies in your hook. Try this:

  useEffect(() => {
    const onScroll = e => {
      setScrolling( > scrollTop);
    window.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);

    return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
  }, [scrollTop]);

By moving onScroll inside the useEffect, you don’t need to track it on the hook’s dependencies, however since it uses scrollTop from the component’s scope, you’ll need to add it.

Alternatively, if for some reason you don’t want to move onScroll definition inside the useEffect, you’ll need to wrap onScroll in useCallback and track it in useEffect‘s dependency array.

In general I’d recommend adding react-hooks/exhaustive-deps to your ESlint rules

Also it’s a good idea to remove the event listener in cleanup function.

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