‘contains’ approach
Maybe this is what you are looking for (part 1 of your question).
It goes with the limitation of “starts with” and changes when a selection is made.
'use strict';
function updateList(that) {
if (!that) {
var lastValue = that.lastValue,
value = that.value,
array = [],
pos = value.indexOf('|'),
start = that.selectionStart,
end = that.selectionEnd,
if (that.options) {
options = that.options;
} else {
options = Object.keys(that.list.options).map(function (option) {
return that.list.options[option].value;
that.options = options;
if (lastValue !== value) {
that.list.innerHTML = options.filter(function (a) {
return ~a.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase());
}).map(function (a) {
return '<option value="' + value + '|' + a + '">' + a + '</option>';
that.lastValue = value;
function updateInput(that) {
if (!that) {
var value = that.value,
pos = value.indexOf('|'),
start = that.selectionStart,
end = that.selectionEnd;
if (~pos) {
value = value.slice(pos + 1);
that.value = value;
that.setSelectionRange(start, end);
document.getElementsByTagName('input').browser.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
document.getElementsByTagName('input').browser.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
<input list="browsers" name="browser" id="browser" onkeyup="updateList();" oninput="updateInput();">
<datalist id="browsers">
<option value="Internet Explorer">
<option value="Firefox">
<option value="Chrome">
<option value="Opera">
<option value="Safari">
A different approach of displaying the search content, to make clear, what happens. This works in Chrome as well. Inspired by Show datalist labels but submit the actual value
'use strict';
var datalist = {
r: ['ralph', 'ronny', 'rudie'],
ru: ['rudie', 'rutte', 'rudiedirkx'],
rud: ['rudie', 'rudiedirkx'],
rudi: ['rudie'],
rudo: ['rudolf'],
foo: [
{ value: 42, text: 'The answer' },
{ value: 1337, text: 'Elite' },
{ value: 69, text: 'Dirty' },
{ value: 3.14, text: 'Pi' }
SEPARATOR = ' > ';
function updateList(that) {
var lastValue = that.lastValue,
value = that.value,
pos = value.indexOf('|'),
start = that.selectionStart,
end = that.selectionEnd;
if (lastValue !== value) {
if (value !== '') {
if (value in datalist) {
key = value;
} else {
Object.keys(datalist).some(function (a) {
return ~a.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) && (key = a);
that.list.innerHTML = key ? datalist[key].map(function (a) {
return '<option data-value="' + (a.value || a) + '">' + value + (value === key ? '' : SEPARATOR + key) + SEPARATOR + (a.text || a) + '</option>';
}).join() : '';
that.lastValue = value;
function updateInput(that) {
var value = that.value,
pos = value.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR),
start = that.selectionStart,
end = that.selectionEnd;
if (~pos) {
value = value.slice(pos + SEPARATOR.length);
Object.keys(that.list.options).some(function (option) {
var o = that.list.options[option],
p = o.text.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
if (o.text.slice(p + SEPARATOR.length) === value) {
value = o.getAttribute('data-value');
return true;
that.value = value;
that.setSelectionRange(start, end);
document.getElementsByTagName('input').xx.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
document.getElementsByTagName('input').xx.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
<input list="xxx" name="xx" id="xx">
<datalist id="xxx" type="text"></datalist>