Update-Database fails due to Pending Changes, but Add-Migration Creates a Duplicate Migration

This answer explains why it happens. To resolve it I call add-migration and name it MERGE and then remove any duplicate migration code that has already happened. This is just to update the model snapshot to reflect the merged model.


public partial class MERGE : DbMigration
    public override void Up()
        // Intentionally left blank.

        // This may seem like a hack, but it is necessary when using source control.
        // When a migration is created via add-migration, EF creates 
        // an .edmx file from the current code first classes. It compares this .edmx to the .edmx stored in the last migration before this, 
        // which I'll call it's parent migration. The edmx snapshots are gzipped and stored in base64 in the resource files (.resx) if you 
        // want to see them. EF uses the difference between these two snapshots to determine what needs to be migrated.

        // When using source control it will happen that two users add entities to the model independently. The generated edmx snapshots will 
        // only have the changes that they have made. When they merge in source control, they will end up with this:

        // Migration                        |  Snapshot Contents
        // -------------------------------- | ----------------
        // 20150101_Parent Migration        |  A
        // 20150102_Developer 1's Migration |  A + Change 1
        // 20150103_Developer 2's Migration |  A + Change 2

        // So calling add-migration will create the current snapshot edmx from the Code First model and compare it to the 
        // the latest migration's snapshot, which is A + Change 2, and see that Change 1 is missing. That is why it 
        // creates a duplicate migration. We know that the migrations have already been applied, so the only thing that this 
        // migration will do is update the current snapshot .edmx so that later migrations work fine.

    public override void Down()


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