Values are immutable; variables are not; they hold a reference to their (primitive) values.
The three primitive types string, number and boolean have corresponding types whose instances are objects: String, Number, Boolean.
They are sometimes called wrapper types.
The following values are primitive:
- Strings: “hello”
- Numbers: 6, 3.14 (all numbers in JavaScript are floating point)
- Booleans: true, false
- null: usually explicitly assigned
- undefined: usually the default (automatically assigned) value
All other values are objects, including wrappers for primitives.
- Objects are mutable by default
- Objects have unique identities and are compared by reference
- Variables hold references to objects
- Primitives are immutable
- Primitives are compared by value, they don’t have individual identities
You might find The Secret Life of JavaScript Primitives a good explanation.
Also, in ES6 there is a new const keyword, that creates a read-only named constant that cannot change value through assignment or be re-declared while the script is running.
Hope this helps!