TortoiseGit – git not found

While this question is still hot… some nice people contributed lots of bugfixes to all three projects, so this is what I did to get TortoiseGit on Win7x64, previously failing on all combinations:

  1. install mSysGit (network installer) into C:\msysgit, it will download the source and compile it leaving you in a bash git prompt.
    Stable version: msysGit-netinstall- 13 sep
  2. install Git “preview” into C:\Program Files (x86)\Git, choose OpenSSH for ssh link
    Stable version: Git- 13 sep
  3. install tortoisegit into C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit, (x64 version) and configure it’s settings specifying the git path (C:\msysgit\bin) and menu integration.
    Stable version: TortoiseGit- 25 sep

This setup picked up my existing git repos made on WinXP x86 with older versions of the packages, and seems fairly stable and fully functional.

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