Task Scheduler failed to start. Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726

Today I got the same problem, (HRESULT) 0x8007052e (2147943726) “unknown user name or bad password”

My solution: was to Re-Asign the User on the “Change User or Group” button to get the lattest Active Directory information of the User.

Then I could Run the Task Again…

As a better practice, you could use an “Aplicative” User instead of a
regular User which change more often in regular basis.

If you use your account, it may change your password every some
quantity of days… and you will need to “fix it” again…

If you use an “Aplicative” account, it may change less than regular

You could do this by going to the task tab “General”,
then “Change User or Group” and assigning the “Aplicative” account,
then “OK” Button.

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