punycode is deprecated in npm – what should I replace it with?

Recently I faced this same issue. I highly recommend you use the LTS(long term support) version of the node. You can validate the version here: https://nodejs.org/en when I’m writing this answer the node LTS version is 20.10.0 so then in your command line you should perform: $nvm install 20.10.0 $nvm use 20.10.0 This solves the … Read more

getting YN0028 The lockfile would have been modified by this install, which is explicitly forbidden. using yarn berry and heroku

I was able to workaround by setting the env-var YARN_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_INSTALLS to false, as suggested here. This is likely a bug in Yarn Berry. I’ve reported it here: https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/issues/2948 UPD: I have created a fresh local clone of the repo from GitHub, ran yarn install in it, and it did produce changes in yarn.lock. Committing those … Read more

How to target a single workspace with Yarn?

When you want to call command on particular workspace you should use package name which is set in its package.json file “name”. In your case it should be: yarn workspace @gemini/common build I have tried changing the name to package/common or @gemini/common but without luck. You should not see error error Unknown workspace “@gemini/common”. Maybe … Read more
