confused about .yarnrc and .npmrc
I ran into the same issue. I just created .yarnrc file in the root folder of my project with the following content and it worked. registry “<artifactory-url>”
I ran into the same issue. I just created .yarnrc file in the root folder of my project with the following content and it worked. registry “<artifactory-url>”
yarn –ignore-platform This will fix the issue. As the name suggests it’ll ignore the platform(Mac/Linux) and install those dependencies.
I found this comment by Arcanis (the lead maintainer of Yarn) on an issue asking about what to include in a .gitignore. It may answer your question: .yarn/plugins and .yarn/releases contain the Yarn releases used in the current repository (as defined by yarn set version). You will want to keep them versioned (this prevents potential … Read more
Just add spaces between packages. e.g.: yarn add redux react-redux redux-starter-kit If you want a replacement for npm install you can use the yarn or yarn install command.
UPDATE: Alexander’s answer is the better solution and uses the same technique I describe here. I am leaving my answer in tact for posterity. The original point of my answer was to show that you can execute a small node script which should work on all platforms. In your preinstall script you can run a … Read more
Recently I faced this same issue. I highly recommend you use the LTS(long term support) version of the node. You can validate the version here: when I’m writing this answer the node LTS version is 20.10.0 so then in your command line you should perform: $nvm install 20.10.0 $nvm use 20.10.0 This solves the … Read more
I was able to workaround by setting the env-var YARN_ENABLE_IMMUTABLE_INSTALLS to false, as suggested here. This is likely a bug in Yarn Berry. I’ve reported it here: UPD: I have created a fresh local clone of the repo from GitHub, ran yarn install in it, and it did produce changes in yarn.lock. Committing those … Read more
When you want to call command on particular workspace you should use package name which is set in its package.json file “name”. In your case it should be: yarn workspace @gemini/common build I have tried changing the name to package/common or @gemini/common but without luck. You should not see error error Unknown workspace “@gemini/common”. Maybe … Read more
You need use you git remote url and specify branch after hash(#). yarn add installs a package from a remote git repository at specific git branch, git commit or git tag. yarn add <git remote url>#<branch/commit/tag>
This is one way how I solved this issue. I deleted the yarn.lock file & .expo folder and tried running expo upgrade and it worked. I was upgrading from SDK 44 to SDK 45.