How to disable highlight on ListView in Xamarin.Forms

You might try using the ItemTapped event instead, i.e. listSushi.ItemTapped += (object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => { // don’t do anything if we just de-selected the row. if (e.Item == null) return; // Optionally pause a bit to allow the preselect hint. Task.Delay(500); // Deselect the item. if (sender is ListView lv) lv.SelectedItem = null; … Read more

Xamarin Forms Margins

At Last! Xamarin Forms 2.2.0 includes Margins support! Here are the docs with a great visual. UPD Special for @AUSTX_RJL Margin value is Thickness, just like in any other XAML frameworks. You can set Thickness in XAML by setting one, two or four values separated by comma or whitespace: “1 2 3 4” is same … Read more

Invalid value ‘armeabi’ in $(AndroidSupportedAbis). This ABI is no longer supported. Xamarin.Forms – VS2019

armeabi is deprecated and your Android project should target armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a at a minimum in your release builds destined for the Play Store. You can directly edit your .csproj and remove the armeabi from within the AndroidSupportedAbis tags: <AndroidSupportedAbis>armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a</AndroidSupportedAbis> Or you can open the Android Build settings in the IDE and it will auto-update … Read more

Change return to be next/done key in Xamarin Forms Shared Project

A custom EntryRenderer can handle changing the keyboard return key description. iOS : UITextField has a ReturnKeyType property that you can set to a preassigned list (see UIReturnType enum). Android : EntryEditText has a ImeOptions property that controls what the “Action” button on the keyboard does and a SetImeActionLabel method that you can use to … Read more

Write device platform specific code in Xamarin.Forms

This is a scenario which is easily resolved with dependency injection. Have a interface with the desired methods on your shared or PCL code, like: public interface IUserPreferences { void SetString(string key, string value); string GetString(string key); } Have a property on your App class of that interface: public class App { public static IUserPreferences … Read more
