What to do with “The version of SOS does not match the version of CLR you are debugging” in WinDbg?

This is what worked for me: Download the following DLLs: clr.dll mscordacwks.dll SOS.dll from this folder on the machine that generated the dump: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 Run the following command. The path to SOS.DLL should be without quotes, unescaped path delimiters: .load path to downloaded SOS.DLL I think a new WinDbg session is required for this to … Read more

Starting to learn Windbg [closed]

There’s a few excellent blogs out there that help to gain windbg proficiency on an everyday basis: Dr. Debugalov Nynaeve Advanced Windows Debugging Debugging Toolbox Debugging Tricks Oleg Starodumov List of posts from/to Ivan Brugiolo Windbg by Volker von Einem I, personally, just started using windbg for all my debugging tasks and soon enough there … Read more

windbg: Command output to text file

Start WinDbg from the command line using the -logo option: windbg.exe -logo logfile.txt That will get everything done logged to the file specified. You can find more details of the command line options here. Or, if you are already in a debugging session, you can use the .logopen command to start logging. For more info … Read more
