Webpack: What is the difference between “all” and “initial” options in optimization.splitChunks.chunks

Trying for the simplest explanation. This is the file that will be transpiled and bundled: //app.js import “my-static-module”; if(some_condition_is_true){ import (“my-dynamic-module”) } console.log(“My app is running”) Now see how different optimization types will treat it. async (default): Two files will be created. bundle.js (includes app.js + my-static-module) chunk.js (includes my-dynamic-module only) initial: Three files will … Read more

Webpack 4: mini-css-extract-plugin + sass-loader + splitChunks

im doing someting like this in my Webpack 4 configuration. const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require(“mini-css-extract-plugin”) module: { rules: [ { test: /\.scss$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, { loader: “css-loader”, options: { modules: true, sourceMap: true, importLoader: 2 } }, “sass-loader” ]} ] }, plugins: [ new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ // Options similar to the same options in webpackOptions.output // … Read more

How to dynamically import SVG and render it inline

You can make use of ref and ReactComponent named export when importing SVG file. Note that it has to be ref in order for it to work. The following examples make use of React hooks which require version v16.8 and above. Sample Dynamic SVG Import hook: function useDynamicSVGImport(name, options = {}) { const ImportedIconRef = … Read more

Cannot re-export a type when using the –isolatedModules with TS 3.2.2

TS 3.8+ You can use type-only imports and exports with –isolatedModules: // types.ts export type MyType = { a: string; b: number; }; // main.ts // named import/export import type { MyType } from ‘./types’ export type { MyType } // re-export export type { MyType } from ‘./types’ // namespace import import type * … Read more

Webpack 4. Compile scss to separate css file

Other answers gave me just headache as they were not working. I did a lot of googling and I realized you can compile scss into separate css file without using any additional plugins webpack.config.js const path = require(‘path’); module.exports = { entry: [ __dirname + ‘/src/js/app.js’, __dirname + ‘/src/scss/app.scss’ ], output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, ‘dist’), … Read more

Do I ever need explicit allowSyntheticDefaultImports if esModuleInterop is true configuring TypeScript transpilation?

If you mean can you leave allowSyntheticDefaultImports undefined and define only esModuleInterop, the answer should be YES moving forward, but there has been an issue with this. PR #26866 seems to be a fix, only merged September 17, so it there may be some risk in the short term. As why both exist, I believe … Read more

Webpack: After installing webpack and webpack-cli still getting error when running webpack

Seems that you had installed globally only webpack and not webpack-cli. Therefore, npm install -g webpack-cli solves the issue. Explanation and alternative solutions: Why there is the problem in the first place? The following indicates that both webpack and webpack-cli packages are locally installed: I have the latest versions of webpack installed: “webpack”: “^4.0.0”, “webpack-cli”: … Read more

How to generate dynamic import chunk name in Webpack

From webpack docs: webpackChunkName: A name for the new chunk. Since webpack 2.6.0, the placeholders [index] and [request] are supported within the given string to an incremented number or the actual resolved filename respectively. You can use [request] placeholder to set dynamic chunk name. A basic example would be: const cat = “Cat”; import( /* … Read more

Get current `–mode` in webpack.config.js

You want to avoid duplication of options passed on the script. When you export a function, the function will be invoked with 2 arguments: an environment env as the first parameter and an options map argv as the second parameter. package.json “scripts”: { “build-dev”: “webpack –mode development”, “build-prod”: “webpack –mode production” }, webpack.config.js module.exports = … Read more

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