Can the web deploy agent run on a port other than 80 on IIS6?

There’s a couple of ways to do this: Option 1: Uninstall and re-install Specifying a different port: msiexec /I WebDeploy_x86_en-US.msi /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL LISTENURL=http://+:8172/MsDeployAgentService The command line installs the MsDeployAgentService and configures it to listen on port 8172 just like on IIS7. Option 2: Re-configure Existing Service to listen on port 8172: Stop the msdepsvc (net … Read more

How to add config transformations for a custom config file in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio transforms only web.config files by default. If you need custom config file with transformation for DEV, UAT, PROD, etc environments, then try to Use custom extensions for Visual Studio like SlowCheetah – XML Transforms for Config transformation preview functionality. Add for the project from Nuget SlowCheetah to provide build in transformation. A little … Read more

Publish Web Deploy using VS Code

Assuming you are using the latest vscode now (1.7.x). You can use Visual Studio Code’s Task Runner. First, you would need to configure the task runner by pressing <F1> and enter task. Select Tasks: Configure Task Runner. A new file tasks.json would be created by vscode with following content. { // See // for … Read more

How do I configure MSBuild to use a saved publishProfile for WebDeploy?

I’m sorry to tell you that the publish.xml file which VS2010 uses was not designed to be used in this way. In fact it was not even designed to be checked-in/shared with others. The logic for reading/writing those files are strictly contained inside Visual Studio and not available through MSBuild. So there is no straight … Read more

Make sure all *.cshtml files are set to be “Content” for Build Action

You could extend the .csproj with a small snippet that will generate a warning when an item in the “None” group has the extension .cshtml. The snippet would be: <Target Name=”EnsureContentOnViews” BeforeTargets=”BeforeBuild”> <ItemGroup> <Filtered Include=”@(None)” Condition=”‘%(Extension)’ == ‘.cshtml'” /> </ItemGroup> <Warning Condition=”‘@(Filtered)’!=”” Code=”CSHTML” File=”$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\%(Filtered.Identity)” Text=”View is not set to [BuildAction:Content]” /> </Target> If you see … Read more


If you install Web Deploy 3.x BEFORE Web Management Tools are installed, you’ll have to re-install Web Deploy. I beat my head against the wall for hours on this. Install the Web Management Services (“Turn Windows Features On/Off”/Roles -> Web Server -> Management Tools -> Management Service) Then uninstall Web Deploy (repair didn’t work) via … Read more

msdeploy (Web Deploy) failing with 401 auth issues

I’m assuming you’ve configured your server correctly for WebDeploy 2.0 as per this article: Configure Web Deploy (IIS.NET) Note: MS have released a refresh of Web Deploy 2.0 and the original link isn’t really valid any more. I’ve updated this but I think it’ll be a moving target over time. You also need to install … Read more
