Multiple detached webview instances seen in chrome devices while navigating in hybrid android app

So the way these web inspectors work is that they use the RemoteDebug Protocol. This protocol defines the various messages and commands that are exchanged to let you ‘inspect’ your pages. One instance of the inspector can only connect to one client at a time. So assuming that you are switching to and fro web-views … Read more

How do I find what Javascript is running on certain events?

I’ve had to debug some particularly nasty unseen-cause Javascript issues at my job. Knowing the full depth of developer tools like Chrome’s is definitely helpful. It undeniably takes some creativity to find places that might be causing the issue, but a few tips: Tracking down event listeners Under Chrome’s Elements view, try Inspect-ing an element … Read more

Command for loading jQuery on Google Chrome inspector?

You mean, a script to load jQuery in an arbitrary page? I have constructed the following cross-browser bookmarklet for this purpose: javascript:if(!window.jQuery||confirm(‘Overwrite\x20current\x20version?\x20v’+jQuery.fn.jquery))(function(d,s){s=d.createElement(‘script’);s.src=””;(d.head||d.documentElement).appendChild(s)})(document); It detects whether jQuery exists. If it does, a confirmation dialog appears, in which the current version is shown, so that you can decide whether it’s OK to overwtite the existing jQuery object. … Read more

Chrome Web Inspector: Find and Replace

Taken from this page at While you are on the web page, press Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows or Cmd+Opt+J on Mac to open the Console window inside Chrome Developer tools. Now enter the following commands to replace all occurrences of the word ABC with XYZ. document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/ABC/g, “XYZ”) document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML.replace(/ABC/g, “XYZ”)