Extension could not be found. Please make sure the extension has been installed

After a bit of playing around I was able to figure out a solution to my problem: I can see that an extension is added to the experimental instance of Visual Studio when you successfully build the project (I’ve found no other way of installing the extension (VS2013)). If you try to build the project … Read more

Custom Intellisense Extension

So in Visual Studio 2010 and later, the extensibility APIs you want to at are under the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Languages.IntelliSense namespace. At a high level, you want to MEF export a ICompletionSourceProvider which will provide the items you need. There are two good blog posts here and here that demonstrate the basic technique. There are two problems … Read more

Is there a keyboard shortcut to move the cursor between methods in Visual Studio 2010?

Note: For VS <2015, the following works only for the VB.NET code editor. In VS 2015+, apparently the C# code editor is also supported. While there are no default keyboard bindings to jump between methods, you can set them up yourself: Go to Tools → Customize…, then Keyboard…, and do the following: Search for the … Read more

where are custom extensions installed in visual studio?

Extensions (if deployed as VSIX) will be installed to the user´s profile; each extension will be installed into a folder with a random name, for instance: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Extensions\s5lxc0ne.1kp If you want to obtain the package installation path at runtime, you can obtain that information from the assembly that defines the Package class. static string GetAssemblyLocalPathFrom(Type type) … Read more

How to debug Visual Studio extensions

Visual Studio Extensions can be debugged like any other application. You just need to setup the debug experience to launch devenv with the loaded extension. Try the following Right click on the project and select Properties Go to the Debug Tab Click on the radio button for Start External Program. Point it to the devenv.exe … Read more

How to uninstall the “Microsoft Advertising SDK” Visual Studio extension?

Run the following from an elevated Powershell prompt: gwmi Win32_Product -Filter “Name LIKE ‘Microsoft Advertising%'” And it should show the culprits: IdentifyingNumber : {6AB13C21-C3EC-46E1-8009-6FD5EBEE515B} Name : Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8.1 – ENU Vendor : Microsoft Corporation Version : 8.1.30809.0 Caption : Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8.1 – ENU IdentifyingNumber : {6AC81125-8485-463D-9352-3F35A2508C11} Name … Read more

How to make ReSharper re-evaluate its assembly reference highlighting

Except for reinstalling, the only way to successfully clear the caches is to delete the files manually from your AppData directory. Delete the solution folder that’s giving you grief in the following locations: %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\ReSharper\v7.1\SolutionCaches\ %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Transient\ReSharperPlatformVsXX\vXX\SolutionCaches\ for newer versions. Note that the version numbers in the paths may be different depending on the ReSharper version that … Read more