Can’t break in global.asax / Application_Start

Reading your question, I assume you are using IIS for debugging, not Visual Studio Development Server. In this case, debugging application start is tricky, because it is only called once when the application pool is started or recycled. When Visual Studio attaches to the process, Application_Start has already been running. The trick is to make … Read more

C# VS2010 Entering break mode failed

Delete the solution user options (.suo) file. If you experience “funny” debugging issues, it usually means the suo file is corrupt. Delete the solutions suo file. This has fixed weird debugging problems with breakpoints every time for me. Note, you will lose your solution settings, such as bookmarks, breakpoints, and such. See Visual Studio 2008 … Read more

Enable the javascript debugger in the Page Inspector

In IE9 (only one time): Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > In Browsing category > Clear “Disable script debugging” check boxes (both) > restart IE. In VS 2012: Run the Page Inspector ( when javascript error box opens, click No ! ) Choose from VS menu: DEBUG > Attach to process… Select “WebBrowserServer.exe” … Read more

“Initialize interactive with Project” is missing for .Net Core Projects in Visual Studio 2019

Does anyone knows if there is a technical limitation and therefore this feature is simply not feasible for .NET Core? I’m afraid the answer is negative. So far this option only supports for .net framework, and not for .net core project and .net standard project temporarily. To get this option available for .net core projects … Read more

Force break on any exception thrown in program

VS2015 and later: Go into Debug > Windows > Exception Settings and check the tick box against Common Language Runtime Exceptions (below the ‘Break When Thrown’ column header). VS2013 and earlier: Go into Debug > Exceptions and check the Thrown box against Common Language Runtime Exceptions. You may get a lot of noise this way … Read more