Replacing vector images in a PDF with raster images

I had a similar issue, and solved it using ImageMagics convert tool ( That comes with linux and runs fine on Windows/Cygwin or OS X convert -density 300 largeVectorFileFromR.pdf out.pdf With -density 300 you control resolution (as DPI). Downside: Text is rasterized as well, I understand that Michael does not want this.

Direction of two points

Answer 1: it is Vector(x2-x1,y2-y1) Answer 2: Normalizing means to scale the vector so that its length is 1. It is a useful operation in many computations, for example, normal vectors should be specified normalized for lighting calculations in computer graphics. The normalized vector of v(x,y) is vn(x/Length(v), y/length(v)). HTH

VectorDrawable with GoogleMap BitmapDescriptor

Possible workaround: private BitmapDescriptor getBitmapDescriptor(int id) { Drawable vectorDrawable = context.getDrawable(id); int h = ((int) Utils.convertDpToPixel(42, context)); int w = ((int) Utils.convertDpToPixel(25, context)); vectorDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, w, h); Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bm); vectorDrawable.draw(canvas); return BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bm); }

Turtle module – Saving an image

from tkinter import * # Python 3 #from Tkinter import * # Python 2 import turtle turtle.forward(100) ts = turtle.getscreen() ts.getcanvas().postscript(file=”duck.eps”) This will help you; I had the same problem, I Googled it, but solved it by reading the source of the turtle module. The canvas (tkinter) object has the postscript function; you can use … Read more

What is the difference between cubic bezier and quadratic bezier and their use cases?

As you’ve discovered, both Quadratic curves and Cubic Bezier curves just connect 2 points with a curve. Since the Cubic curve has more control points, it is more flexible in the path it takes between those 2 points. For example, let’s say you want to draw this letter “R”: Start drawing with the “non-curvey” parts … Read more

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