How to set up autoreload with Flask+uWSGI?
I am running uwsgi version 1.9.5 and the option uwsgi –py-autoreload 1 works great
I am running uwsgi version 1.9.5 and the option uwsgi –py-autoreload 1 works great
It may be the case that when you upload things, you use chunked encoding. There is uWSGI option –chunked-input-timeout, that by default is 4 seconds (it defaults to value of –socket-timeout, which is 4 seconds). Though problem theoretically may lie somewhere else, I suggest you to try aforementioned options. Plus, annoying exceptions are the reason … Read more
This can happen when NGINX started a request to uWSGI but uWSGI took too long to respond, then NGINX closes the connection to uWSGI. When uWSGI finally finishes, it tries to give it’s response back to NGINX, but NGINX closed the connection earlier, so then uWSGI throws an I/O error. So this could mean that … Read more
The problem was that I deleted an file. Apparently, django uses them to know which folders are apps, so they are kind of important.
workers and processes are indeed synonyms and the same thing. (I’m sure you’ve seen the configuration option documentation for them both) That configuration is very incorrect and could actually have no effect as a result. (I just found out that by having the cheaper option twice in one of my ini files neither was being … Read more
Edit 2016-06-05: A PR that solves this problem has been merged on May 26, 2016. Flask PR 1822 Edit 2015-04-13: Mystery solved! TL;DR: Be absolutely sure your teardown functions succeed, by using the teardown-wrapping recipe in the 2014-12-11 edit! Started a new job also using Flask, and this issue popped up again, before I’d put … Read more
I believe you should follow the approach outlined here: Basically: Build a core uwsgi binary that does not have the Python plugin (to be used by the emperor): make PROFILE=nolang And then build plugins for each python version that you use (for the vassals), and configure each vassal to use the correct plugin.
WID -> worker id % -> percentage of served requests by the worker PID -> process id of the worker REQ -> number of managed requests RPS -> number of current requests handled per second EXC -> number of raised exceptions SIG -> number of managed uwsgi signals (NOT unix signals !!!) STATUS -> can … Read more
I had this problem and was stuck for hours. Python2 My issue is different than the answer listed, make sure you have plugins = python in your uwsgi .ini file and you install the uwsgi python plugin: sudo apt-get install uwsgi-plugin-python Python3 If you’re using Python3, use the same approach and do: sudo apt-get install … Read more
Note that a “listen backlog” of 100 connections doesn’t mean that your server can only handle 100 simultaneous (or total) connections – this is instead dependent on the number of configured processes or threads. The listen backlog is a socket setting telling the kernel how to limit the number of outstanding (as yet unaccapted) connections … Read more