Unique Constraint vs Unique Index

This MSDN article comparing the two is for SQL Server 2000: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa224827(SQL.80).aspx For most purposes, there’s no difference – the constraint is implemented as an index under the covers. And though there’s the ability to disable the constraint, it doesn’t actually work in SQL Server. It only matters if you want to tweak things like … Read more

How do I delete all the duplicate records in a MySQL table without temp tables

Add Unique Index on your table: ALTER IGNORE TABLE `TableA` ADD UNIQUE INDEX (`member_id`, `quiz_num`, `question_num`, `answer_num`); Another way to do this would be: Add primary key in your table then you can easily remove duplicates from your table using the following query: DELETE FROM member WHERE id IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT id FROM … Read more

Short unique id in php

Make a small function that returns random letters for a given length: <?php function generate_random_letters($length) { $random = ”; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $random .= chr(rand(ord(‘a’), ord(‘z’))); } return $random; } Then you’ll want to call that until it’s unique, in pseudo-code depending on where you’d store that information: do … Read more

Unable to create index because of duplicate that doesn’t exist?

It’s not that the index already exists, but that there are duplicate values of the TopicShortName field in the table itself. According to the error message the duplicate value is an empty string (it might just be a facet of posting I guess). Such duplicates prevent the creation of a UNIQUE index. You could run … Read more